Challenge Constitution
1. Anything goes, as long as it does not put any member of the program in physical danger.
2. Two challenges must be executed after the day's prescribed exercise and in the presence of Coach Mahoney. The first challenge will be for the Individual Title. The The second will be for the Tag Team Title. There will be a 2-minute break between the end of the Individual Title Event and the Tag Team Event.
3. The Challenge Title holder has the right to deny up to 2 challenges. After the 2nd denial, the Challenge holder must give up the belt and the title goes back into a pool for anyone to win (including the person who just gave up the belt). The number of denials only resets after the Challenge holder has lost or given up his belt. The Challenger holder will go first in the pool challenge and get a penalty based on Coach Mahoney's discretion.
4. The Challenge Holder loses the belt if he misses a prescribed workout (with or without advanced notice). The title goes into a pool for anyone to win ... excluding the challenge holder. In a tag team event, the same applies if both partners miss a prescribed workout. If only one partner misses, the partner has a 3 options --> (1) perform the event on his own (2) put the belt back into the pool and let all other complete teams compete (without your team included) (3) Send your existing partner into "FREE AGENCY" and pick up a present competitor from FREE AGENCY. If option 3 is selected, you get to keep the points your team has already collected all year. Option 3 cannot be moved if any player on the team was already a FREE AGENT.
5. The Challenge Holder loses the belt if he is late, has not paid his insurance, or forgets to bring the belt to the training session. The title goes into a pool for anyone to win ... including the challenge holder. The challenger hold will go first in the pool challenge and get a penalty based on Coach Mahoney's discretion. The same rules apply for both the Individual and Tag Team events. For tag team event, only complete tag teams can enter the pool (excluding the team who had just given up the belt to the pool.)
6. The order of Challengers will be based on the list provided by Coach Mahoney. If you are the next contender and you lose the challenge, miss a workout, arrive late, have your challenge denied, or fail to pay your insurance, you go to the bottom of the list. For tag team challenges, the challenging team must have both people there or they will be skipped on game day. The ONLY exception is if the Challenger Holder has both members and they are willing to go 2 vs 1 for the title. (This is being done to avoid 1:1 tag team matches.) The ONLY other exception is anything Coach Mahoney says. If you are not the next contender and you miss without 8 hours notice, you will be moved down 2 slots in the individual challenge order. If you do provide more than 8 hours notice, you will be bumped down one 1 slot in the individual challenge order. If the tag team holders and challengers both only have one person present, it cannot become a 1:1 match. The challengers are skipped and the next available tag team with both partners can challenge the solo tag team partner. If the solo challenger holder denies the challenge, it goes into a pool challenge.
7. The same challenge cannot be used two times in the same day & no person / team can use the same challenge more than 3 times.
8. There will only be one challenger and one challenge holder per Individual challenge.
9. A tie will be settled by repeating the event again.
10. After the last challenge, the new top individual contender has 24 hours to propose a new challenge to the individual challenge holder. The individual challenge holder than has 24 hours from the time of notice (and understanding) of the challenge to accept. If the challenge holder does not except the challenge, he loses the belt and it goes into a pool challenge where he can compete with a penalty. If the top contender does not have a challenge proposed within 24 hours, he goes to the bottom of the list. Once the individual challenge is accepted, the tag team top contenders than have 24 hours to propose their challenge to the tag team challenge holder. Tag teams will use the same procedure as individuals for acceptance / declines.
11. No one can compete in the Challenge unless they have completed the days prescribed workouts.
12. A new person who joins the group automatically goes into FREE AGENCY. If there is someone already in FREE AGENCY, they automatically become a team.
13. If your tag team partner is thrown out, quits, or has to go into the personal protection program, you automatically go into FREE AGENCY.
14. For tag teams, partners can be traded and / or moved to FREE AGENCY. For this to occur, all trades must be agreed upon by all members and Coach Mahoney. Trades can include 3-way trades, negotiations to move up in the order for challenges, movement of existing points, and / or rights to go first / second in upcoming challenges.The trade deadline is 24-January.
15. Coach Mahoney can change these rules at any time.