Fall Challenge 2020
Regular Season
- Like the NFL, we will have a weekly schedule.
- Every week, we will have each competitor scheduled to compete against another competitor.
- Example Week 4
- Joe D vs Joe Sarno
- Pete B vs Pete A
- James U vs Joe Mreczko
- Abom vs Ski
- Example Week 4
- Bye Weeks will be scheduled to help accompany people's social lives
- All the competitions for that week will be the same and designated by Coach Mahoney
- Example Week 4 --> Every one is doing a 25 Yard 150 Farmer's Walk Followed By a 50 Yard Slider
- If your competition is a no-show and there is not enough notice to reschedule a bye week, the person who "Just Showed Up" is the winner by default
- If you competition is late, he will go first and may or may not be given a penalty (at the discretion of Coach Mahoney)
- A Win / Loss Record will be collected for the entire Fall Season
- The person who is going first will be designated by Coach Mahoney, potentially based on the following criteria
- Current record / points
- Being on time (if you are late, you are going first)
- 2020 Challenge Points
- 2020 Toughman Finish Time
- A Coin Toss / Card Flip
- Coach Mahoney can change any / all of these rules at any time.
- Once the season is over, there will be Playoffs
- Seeding will be done similar to the NFL
- The winner of the Playoffs will be named the 2020 Fall Challenge Champ